When I was in JoAnn's to purchase the backing fabric, I noticed a pretty linen print that was in a "today's special" bin for 50% off. Not sure what I was going to make out of it didn't stop me from purchasing two yards of the fabric. Once I got it home and pre-washed, I started browsing through patterns. I didn't have anything I really liked, so I went back to JoAnn's to buy a pattern. Fortunately, the pattern only required 1 7/8ths of a yard. I was good to go.
Or, so I thought. Apparently, I've gained more weight than I realized. I should have gotten the next set of sizes. However, I've run into this with several of my existing patterns (which really meant that I should have known better), and so I decided to just add a bit here and there.
It turned out fairly well.
Almost finished blouse |
It fit in all the places that it needed to fit, with one minor exception. I hadn't taken the neckline into consideration when I added to the pattern. The hole was definitely just a tad bit bigger than it should have been. Perhaps by an inch on either side. The question was, what to do about it?
Last night, I had an idea. I went into my stash and found a lace that could be doubled over.
Sewing the lace in half |
Next, I pinned a piece on each side, with the sewn side toward the seam line.
Pinning the lace in place |
It is on, even, and closes up the hole by the perfect amount.
Problem solved! |
I wore it to work today. I think I actually like it better with the lace. Not bad for making a mistake!