Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Starting another lap quilt

I really didn't need to start another project.  I still have way too many projects left undone.  And, yet, I started another project.  More lap quilts will be needed for next year's Winter Sports clinic.  I've been wanting to make a quilt using plaid fabrics, and this seemed like a good time to do it.

I decided to use the left over backing fabric from the patriotic wall hanging that I just finished for contrast.  Then, I started cutting into two old sheets that I had gotten to use as backing fabric, an old dress shirt, and a quarter of a yard of a plaid print.  I also decided to use the triangle Accu Quilt GO template. 

So far, I'm liking the result.  I took two strips of fabric at a time to run through the Accu Quilt GO.

Cutting the triangles
I love how even the triangles come.

Nicely cut triangles
And, by sewing each of the triangles together...

First pair of triangles sewn together
And pretty soon, I had a bunch of squares finished.

Finished squares
I have a few more to finish, and then I'll start sewing them together.  I'm liking the way that this is turning out.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Fixing my (sewing) mistakes

When I was in JoAnn's to purchase the backing fabric, I noticed a pretty linen print that was in a "today's special" bin for 50% off.  Not sure what I was going to make out of it didn't stop me from purchasing two yards of the fabric.  Once I got it home and pre-washed, I started browsing through patterns.  I didn't have anything I really liked, so I went back to JoAnn's to buy a pattern.  Fortunately, the pattern only required 1 7/8ths of a yard.  I was good to go.

Or, so I thought.  Apparently, I've gained more weight than I realized.  I should have gotten the next set of sizes.  However, I've run into this with several of my existing patterns (which really meant that I should have known better), and so I decided to just add a bit here and there.

It turned out fairly well.

Almost finished blouse
It fit in all the places that it needed to fit, with one minor exception.  I hadn't taken the neckline into consideration when I added to the pattern.  The hole was definitely just a tad bit bigger than it should have been.  Perhaps by an inch on either side.  The question was, what to do about it?

Last night, I had an idea.  I went into my stash and found a lace that could be doubled over.

Sewing the lace in half
Next, I pinned a piece on each side, with the sewn side toward the seam line.

Pinning the lace in place
It is on, even, and closes up the hole by the perfect amount.

Problem solved!
I wore it to work today.  I think I actually like it better with the lace.  Not bad for making a mistake!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Finished the patriotic wall hanging

I have to admit that I had a lot of fun with this one.  Here is the finished wall hanging:

Finished Patriotic Wall Hanging
I tried something new--for me--while quilting this one.  On the left side, I quilted the words:  "Let Freedom Ring."

Let Freedom Ring

And, on the right side "The Land of the Free, Because of the Brave."

The Land of the Free, Because of the Brave.
I definitely will be quilting more text as time goes on.  It was much easier than I though it would be.

The Turf Makes a Huge Difference

 I'm finally caught up on older posts.  I took this photo this morning, just after the front lawn had been put in.  I'm loving it.