Monday, June 23, 2014

Working on the machine quilting

The quilt top is all together now.  And, the machine quilting has been, so far, relatively smooth.  I'm pleasantly surprised at how fast the machine quilting is going this time--which is especially good since the deadline is approaching so fast.

And, of course, Charlie continues to help.  Here he is inspecting the work up close:

Friday, June 13, 2014

Almost finished with the quilt top

Two more large seams and a bit of trimming and the top of the quilt will be finished.  I probably would have finished tonight, but Charlie was starting to get a little insistent about getting some attention:

This after I moved him from the lower right corner.  Ah well.  Tomorrow is a brand new day.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Local wildlife

This post is definitely off the topic of sewing and other creative pursuits.  I've been noticing a couple of rabbits hanging out under our pine tree lately.  Tonight when I got home, I decided to try to get a couple of photos of them.

This one was just hanging out on the edge of the grass:

I was concerned about this one:

But it was breathing evenly, and by the time I put down the camera and started over to check on it, it decided to move to a position that was more life like.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

More progress

While this weekend was busy, I did manage to make some more progress on the quilt.  This was taken this morning:

And, this was taken a short while ago:

I would have liked to have continued sewing, but my back post car accident only tolerates sewing for so long.

But, I should be able to make more progress tomorrow night.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Work continues on the 2014 charity quilt

Tonight was all about the sashing again.  When my back got to sore to continue, I decided to lay it out and see how it is looking:

Part of the quilt with the sashing starts...
I think it has Charlie's stamp of approval.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Building the sashing

The one bad part about doing the sashing with small strips is the time that it is taking to build the sashings to the length long enough to work.  I'm not quite half-way there.

In progress sashing

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Work continues on the 2014 charity quilt

I was trying to figure out how to assemble the top of the quilt.  I could go with traditional sashing, but I kind of like the idea of trying something new.  Then, last week, I saw a quilt on Pinterest, and I knew what I needed to do.

I'm working on sewing coordinating fabrics of varying lengths together to form the 2.5 inch sashing.

Working on the sashing
To keep things interesting, I'm working on all seven strips at once.

Building all seven at once
Now, I need to get back to sewing.  The deadline is fast approaching.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Time Flies...

Wow.  Where has the time gone?  I kept intending to do another post, and somehow time just kept flowing by.

Working on the 2014 charity quilt has spurred me into writing again.  I am definitely behind on this year's quilt.  I have to have it finished about a month from now, and until yesterday, I had not yet started sewing the top of the quilt together.  It is definitely time to kick it into high gear.

This year, I chose birds as the theme.  With a gift card to JoAnn's, I purchased a Accu-Quilt bird template.  The template made quick work of cutting out the birds. I've been working on them for the past two weeks and finally finished embroidering their little legs on Saturday.  Here is the flock of birds:

The flock of birds for the quilt top
Yesterday, I started sewing the birds into strips:

The birds sewn into strips
Along the way, I had a little help:

Charlie helped me reconsider my layout

Now, to start sewing the strips to go in between these larger strips.

The Turf Makes a Huge Difference

 I'm finally caught up on older posts.  I took this photo this morning, just after the front lawn had been put in.  I'm loving it.