Saturday, October 15, 2016

The Finished Patriotic Quilt Top

I finished the top of the patriotic pre-cut quilt kit this evening:

Finished Quilt Top
Next time I go to the fabric store, I'll get the supplies to finish it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Patriotic Pre-cut Kit

With the pieces all pre-cut, this quilt is going together quickly:

I still have to watch the piecing, though.  A couple of the points aren't quite exact.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Oh the Possibilities!

As if I didn't have enough unfinished projects already, I was recently given a large tub of kits, partially started projects, books, and fabric:

Tub of Possibilities
Some of the projects have both fabric and patterns.  Some will require some investigative work in order to complete.  I'm excited, though, because all of these will be fantastic for creating some quilts and quilted wall hangings to raise money for charity!

Yesterday, I decided to dive in with one of the kits:

My First Pre-Cut Quilt Kit
I've never purchased a kit with pre-cut quilt pieces:

I could get used to this.  Yesterday, I sewed the center squares together:

Today, my helper and I started sewing squares together:

Pink, White, and Gray Part II

I finished the pink, white, and gray baby quilt about two weeks before the baby was born.  The parents were happy with it:

Finished Baby Quilt
While I was initially skeptical of the color choices, I wound up really like this one.

The Turf Makes a Huge Difference

 I'm finally caught up on older posts.  I took this photo this morning, just after the front lawn had been put in.  I'm loving it.