Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Let the Quilting Begin!

 Sunday evening I tried to start quilting the charity quilt.  I was able to get the backing, batting, and top together, but when I started quilting, I had nothing but problems.  I have a "test sandwich" that I use to begin quilting.  It is made from scrap fabric and scrap batting.  No problems showed up when I quilted on the test sandwich, but when I checked the back of the quilt after quilting about 14 inches, I had massive problems.  It looked like a bird's nest with the long loops.

Monday evening was a workout night, and after working out, I didn't feel like ripping out the stitches.

Tonight, however, I dove in.  I ripped out the quilting I had done on Sunday, and then changed the bobbin, changed the needle, and re-threaded the machine.  The first run on the test sandwich wasn't good.  So, I flipped the bobbin around and re-threaded the machine.  The second run on the test sandwich was better, but still not what I wanted.  So, I adjusted the tension, and the third test run worked.

Let the quilting begin!  The first couple of attempts, the thread broke after a minute or two.  I fiddled with the adjustments again, and off I went!  I probably have an area 3 feet by 3 feet quilted tonight. 

I probably could have continued, but this is a large quilt and that means a lot of weight to maneuver.  I can't imagine quilting without the foot shown in the photo to the right.  Since discovering this large, flat foot, quilting has definitely gotten much easier.

Although, I still always hold my breath when I check the back of the quilt.  So far, so good.  No large issues.  No large loops forming a nest in the back.  No tight stitches stretching the fabric.  And, no folds in the fabric.  Life is good!

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The Turf Makes a Huge Difference

 I'm finally caught up on older posts.  I took this photo this morning, just after the front lawn had been put in.  I'm loving it.