Monday, May 14, 2012

Learning a new stitch...

Yesterday, I saw something and went, "wow, that would look really cool in a quilt."  And, common sense abandoned me.  As if I don't have enough UFOs (unfinished objects, not the flying saucer) around the house, I now have another quilt in progress.  In case you are keeping track, that means that I have the 2012 charity quilt, the elk quilt, the Coca-Cola quilt, the purple quilt, the peacemakers quilt, and I think one other quilt in progress already, and here comes quilt number 7.

The good news is that I can make this one largely with scraps.  While I'm not ready yet to show the overall design, I will say that it involves embroidery.  I've been embroidering for years, but tonight I learned a new stitch: the open chain stitch.  I like it...

An example of the open chain embroidery stitch
And now, it is time to get some sleep.  I started a new contract on Friday and after having five weeks off, getting up early has me tired out.

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The Turf Makes a Huge Difference

 I'm finally caught up on older posts.  I took this photo this morning, just after the front lawn had been put in.  I'm loving it.