Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Back Again

I'm not really sure why I stopped posting for a while.  I was definitely still working on projects the past few months.

One of the projects that I was working on was finishing up some of the lap quilts for the veterans program.  The lap quilts were distributed to the veterans at the Winter Sports clinic in March.  Here are five of the finished lap quilts.

Two of these I started before I stopped posting.  The other three were ones that my husband designed.  All in all, I'm pretty pleased with the way that they turned out.

This lap quilt was a Stack-in-Whack quilt that another quilter had started.  It was pretty obvious that she had intended for it to be a full-sized quilt.  But, she never had a chance to finish it.  It was a pleasure to be able to finish two more squares, and then turn the start into something that could be used to keep someone warm.

It is also a reminder to me that life is short...

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The Turf Makes a Huge Difference

 I'm finally caught up on older posts.  I took this photo this morning, just after the front lawn had been put in.  I'm loving it.