Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Bench Quilted Note Card

This past summer, my husband and I drove to Houston, Texas, for the national Elks convention.  It was a wonderful drive.  We took the back roads whenever possible.  While in Houston, there were several days when I had free time while my husband was in meetings.  One of these days was the Fourth of July.  I'm not one to stay in the hotel room if I don't have to.  While my first three options for passing the time didn't pan out for one reason or another, I eventually passed by the McGovern Centennial Gardens and was able to find a parking spot.

The gardens were awesome, even if it was a little hot for this northerner!  While walking around, I came across this bench:

My first thought was:  what a peaceful spot to read or even just to pause for a few moments.

When I started making these quilted note cards, I decided to turn this photo a card to remind myself that there are quiet spots for reflection even in large cities.  Here is the front of the note card:

Here is the side of the card:

And, a close up of the stitching on this one:

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The Turf Makes a Huge Difference

 I'm finally caught up on older posts.  I took this photo this morning, just after the front lawn had been put in.  I'm loving it.