Monday, December 27, 2010

Designing a charity quilt

Earlier this year, I volunteered to make a quilt which will be raffled off in July.  At the time, I was thinking "July? Plenty of time!!  I have all of the Thanksgiving holiday and all of the Christmas holiday to design and create it."

Now?  I'm thinking "July!!  Really?  What was I thinking?"  I have been thinking about it for about a month.  I wanted to come up with the right theme.  Since it will be in a booth with frogs as a theme, I decided I would do something with frogs, too.

With the theme in hand and the clock beginning to count down, I headed out to look for fabric yesterday.  The first place I went to really didn't have what I was looking for.  I was picking up bolts of fabric, but when I looked down at my cart, all I could think of was "old."  It really wasn't the type of fabric that I could have fun with...or that I thought really went with the frog theme--other than I had picked up a selection of green fabric.

The fabric really wasn't speaking to me.

I put everything back and headed off to a second store--JoAnn's.

There, I found fabric that spoke to me.  I bought what I hope will be enough fabric and came home and pre-washed it.

Today, I started working on the quilt.  I ironed up the various fabrics, and then cut into the first two fabrics.  As I did, I began to wonder what exactly the fabric was saying to me yesterday.  I definitely still think that the fabric is really fun, and it actually fits the charity.  But, for a full size quilt, it is rather bright.

I think that it will still work, though.

I have several squares now done.  And, it is growing on me again.

This is definitely going to be one bright quilt!

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The Turf Makes a Huge Difference

 I'm finally caught up on older posts.  I took this photo this morning, just after the front lawn had been put in.  I'm loving it.