Thursday, August 11, 2011

Relaxing with the sewing machine

Tonight was about relaxing with the sewing machine.  And, finishing some note cards.

I have probably a dozen, maybe two dozen, cards in progress around the house.  There are times when I get in the mood to assemble the cards.  Sewing them, though, is a more time consuming process.  Fortunately, tonight I was into sewing and completing.

I started off by finishing the outlining on the following two cards.

Once that was done, I attached these two cards, along with the chili peppers and patriotic card (both created in June/July), to their note cards.  Four mini-projects completely finished!

Fortunately, I still felt like sewing, so I worked on a frog card and an angel card.  I started off working on the frog.  I finished outlining it and zigzagging around the outside edge.  Then, I set it aside.  It seems like there is something missing.  I'm considering doing a three dimensional leaf on it, but I need to figure out how to create the three dimensional leaf in such a way that it looks like it belongs to the card.  This challenge may take a while.

I'm having fun with the angel.  I had already outlined the halo and wings with gold thread.  Tonight, I outlined the arms and the dress.  I still need to do the drum, the hair and the face.  But, I decided that I needed a break.

Last night, I sewed a little bit, but mainly I worked on ironing Geff's latest paintings.

And, the second one:

I am looking forward to embellishing these two!

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The Turf Makes a Huge Difference

 I'm finally caught up on older posts.  I took this photo this morning, just after the front lawn had been put in.  I'm loving it.