While working on the Christmas ornaments, I've taken some photos along the way, and tonight I'm taking a break from sewing the ornaments to list some on our Etsy shop and start working on the blog again.
The Christmas ornaments that I am working on right now are small stuffed Christmas stockings, like the one here on the right.
I'm not entirely sure what started me on this kick, but I have definitely had fun with it. Each ornament is completely unique.
I start each one by placing the right side of the fabric together (and so that I don't waste fabric), I've been ironing a crease about 3 inches from the edge of the fabric.
Once the right sides were together, I free-handed the sewing lines for each stocking on the back side of the fabric.
Hmmm, note to self: using black fabric was probably not a great idea for the photos!
I tended to draw four or five stockings in a row, and I reversed them so that I would save a little bit of fabric.
Once drawn, I started sewing along the lines that I had drawn.
Eventually, I had a whole row of little sewn stockings:
Once I had a row of stockings, I cut about an eighth of an inch from the sewing line. I soon had a whole stack of stockings!
I may have gone a bit overboard...
Next came the fun of trying to turn these right-side out.
Fortunately, I learned from making the birds and pulled out the right tool for the job...
I soon had a whole stack turned right-side out.
Up next: finishing the stockings.
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