Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Taking time out from crafting to do some cleaning

My craft room was once again out of control.  Going in to the Christmas holiday, I opened the door to the room to discover that apparently things were multiplying behind the closed doors--I couldn't walk more than about 3 feet into the room without stepping on something.  I've been slowly cleaning it. 

I decided to try the slow route instead of just rearranging the piles to see if I could bring some organization to the room.  I'm pleased to say that it seems to be working--I can get from the door to the closet to the back corners now without having to step on things (I, ahem, may need to step over things to get to the back corners still).  In any case, my slow route entails picking something up and trying to figure out how it fits in with an organized craft room.

Tonight, I picked up a container and looked into it:

Hmmm, old film canisters.  What on earth was I storing in there?

The photo is a little blurry, but one container was holding black seed beads and the other was holding red seed beads.  And, with that, I had the night's task figured out.  I knew that on the corner of the dresser, I had multiple open containers filled with beads (just waiting to tip over).

And, somewhere, I remembered seeing some beads still in the original containers...

While the film canisters kept the beads contained, I couldn't see what beads were inside without opening the container.  I knew I wanted to put the beads in a secure container, but also a container that I can see through.  It didn't take me long to figure it out.  I've long had problems throwing out the containers that prescriptions come in.

Once I had the beads in the prescription containers, I needed to figure out where to store them.  Looking around, I found the perfect container amongst the piles of stuff.

The prescription containers may not be pretty, but the seed beads won't get scattered and I can see at a quick glance which container I need.

And, the bonus?  Space available on the dresser:

Okay, so I still have some more organizing to go...

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The Turf Makes a Huge Difference

 I'm finally caught up on older posts.  I took this photo this morning, just after the front lawn had been put in.  I'm loving it.