Sunday, January 23, 2011

Another completed project

Yes, the penguin is now finished.  He's a cute little fellow, even if I do say so myself.

I ran into a slight problem last night.  The beak pattern called for gray fabric.  I hadn't noticed that before.  It was an excuse to go through my fabric stash, but the search turned up no suitable fabrics.  Either the gray was not a good shade or the print was too obnoxious for a penguin beak.  I was thinking that that was going to make a perfect excuse to go to JoAnn's today, but then I got creative.  I realized the the back of the black fabric would be perfect.

Today, I managed to stuff the beak and sew it on during the Packers versus Bears game.  After the game, I finished the wings and sewed them on.  Wrapping the feet in fabric actually turned out to be kind of fun.

I had torn off strips of the under-wing fabric before I cut out the penguin.  Wrapping the feet was actually pretty simple.

The eyes were a little tougher, but I think that was because I hadn't looked at what needle I had grabbed until I was almost finished--instead of using an embroidery needle I had used a counted cross stitch needle (which is more blunt and therefore harder to move through the fabric).

I think my only regret is that the wire I used in the feet really does need to be thicker:  his poor little legs aren't strong enough to hold him upright now that the beak is sewn on.

Next time, I'll use a stronger wire.

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The Turf Makes a Huge Difference

 I'm finally caught up on older posts.  I took this photo this morning, just after the front lawn had been put in.  I'm loving it.