Saturday, January 22, 2011

Penguin feet

Today I created the feet for my penguin.  I'm quickly realizing that the feet are going to be the toughest part of these birds.  I used 16 gauge wire, and I'm thinking that even though this is an acceptable gauge for these, it is a little soft.  It was easy to bend into shape, though. 

Inserting the wire was a bit challenging.  The wire needed to go into a giant upside down U and with the bendable wire, it was a challenge to get it in correctly.  Once in, though, I was able to form the little feet and get them wrapped up with floral tape.  I still need to wrap them with fabric, but I want to wait until the beak and wings are on.

I have the beak sewn together, but not stuffed, and not attached to the penguin.  I just finished sewing the wings together, and writing this entry has actually been a break before turning the wings rightside out.

I'm happy with the progress.  And, I'm happy with the feet (for the most part).  The best part?  Right now, he can stand on his own!

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The Turf Makes a Huge Difference

 I'm finally caught up on older posts.  I took this photo this morning, just after the front lawn had been put in.  I'm loving it.